Focused on your research and sample material, we design the optimal strategy

Having a clear vision before starting the experiment help you save money, time, mitigate potential risks, and increase the scientific impact of your work

Each project starts with a consultation with an NGS expert

As the research investigator you are the expert on your project field. At the meeting, you tell us about your research and the scientific questions you like to address.

Based on this and your material, together, we discuss the solutions that give you the answers you need.

During the experiment, you will be in direct contact with the NGS specialist managing your project, who will communicate with you if questions arise.

Finally, your contact scientist will write a detailed report and discuss the results with you.

While planning an RNA-sequencing project, many questions may arise

  • What method of RNA purification are you using?
  • How many biological replicates do you need
  • Will you barcode your RNA? Should you use UMI?
  • Which platform will you use? 
  • How many reads will you need? Read length?
  • Single-read or paired-end sequencing?

The answers depend on a combination of your specific questions, the needed output, type/amount/quality of the material. Based on more than 10 years of experience with RNA-NGS, we tailor the optimal solution for you.

Planning the end-analysis before beginning

At the initial consultation, we also discuss what bioinformatic analysis would be relevant for your project. Not only what is possible but also what would be relevant for your research questions. 

To give you both an easy overview and inspiration, we have some standard examples of both figures and tables, that is then adjusted according to the aim of your project.

In more exploratory studies it may be more difficult to foresee what will be relevant, in which case we discuss what will be a good starting point.

Contact us now to book a free, non-binding consultation with an NGS specialist